

The broadcast of the concert at the Schubertiade Schwarzenberg on June, 23 at the Österreichischer Rundfunk, program Ö1, took place on July 10 at 19:30. It can be found on the following web site until July 17:
The Program includes Schubert’s string quartet in A minor D 804 „Rosamunde“ und his octet in F major, D 803.
The quartet’s partners are Laura Ruiz Ferreres, clarinet, Sibylle Mahni, french horn, Bence Bogányi, bassoon and Nabil Shehata, double bass.

The german program BR Klassik broadcasts the „Rosamunde“ quartet on Friday, July 27, 2018 at 18:05.
The web link is:

Deutschlandfunk Kultur broadcasts the concert of the HAMBACHERMusikFEST, that took place on June 1, 2018 on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 20:03 .
The program includes octets by Svendsen, Shostakovich and Glière, that the Mandelring Quartets performed together with the Minetti Quartet.
Further information and the live stream are to be found here:

Oktett bei der Schubertiade

September 30, 2017

Tour of the Far East

A tour of the Far East is currently taking the Mandelring Quartet to Manila, Hong Kong, Singapore and Beijing. There will be concerts and workshops at the invitation of the Goethe Institut and the German ambassador to Beijing. The concert programme includes a premiere: a work titled “Quartet Dissonances” by Jeffrey Ching, a composer originally from Manila but now resident in Berlin, incorporates allusions to Mozart’s “Dissonance Quartet”. In the workshops the Mandelring Quartet will work with young ensembles and composers. One item in the Beijing concert is a piece for chamber orchestra that will be studied and performed by the Mandelring Quartet together with prizewinners from the “Jugend musiziert” competition for young musicians, which has also recently been established in China.

Incidentally the quartet’s tour has led the airline company Cathay Pacific to substitute a different design of aircraft for one leg of the journey from the one scheduled, thereby solving a problem: owing to internal specifications regarding the passenger cabin, there would have been no suitable space in the original plane in which to transport the cello.

July 22, 2017

New Brahms CD: Sextets

“The tonal richness and melodic beauty of these two sextets are immediately riveting, especially when performed with the exuberant energy and insight of the Mandelring Quartet and their two additional players.”
BR Klassik – Bavarian Radio’s classical music station

“These players achieve an ideal blend of mind and heart.”
Fono Forum 

Brahms Sextette

It was a pleasure to play quartets Mozart and Beethoven and the “trout quintet” with Marc-André Hamelin and Alois Posch at the Schubertiade Schwarzenberg. We are looking forward to a next collaboration…


March 22, 2017

School Concerts

On the US tour the Mandelring Quartett played two school concerts:

USA Schulkonzert 1 USA Schulkonzert 2

November 18, 2016

New Brahms CD

The Mandelring Quartet’s new Brahms CD has been released. The works are Brahms’ two string quintets. Roland Glassl plays the second viola.brahms-quintette-mandelring-quartett-cover

A new concert series of the Mandelring Quartet starts in Munich in addition to the series in the Berlin Philharmonic.
Three concerts will take place in the Max-Joseph Hall of the Residence annually.
The dates:
15 Nov 2016, 19:30 Mandelring I – Brahms and the romantic period
31 Jan 2017, 19:30 Mandelring II – Brahms and contemporaries
30 May 2017, 19:30 Mandelring III – Brahms and the early modernism
A flyer with more informationen in German is to be found here.

With these words the Berliner Zeitung newspaper comments the rendition of the string quartet by Brahms in it’s review of the opening concert of this year’s Berlin Cycle of the Mandelring Quartet.

The Mandelring Quartet’s recording of Mendelssohn’s complete chamber music for strings has received an International Classical Music Awards nomination. Further information can be found here.

The review of the opening concert of the Mandelring Quartet’s series in Neustadt/Weinstrasse started:
“The first concert of the Mandelring Quartet’s classics series was a delightful feast of chamber music of the most exquisite kind. The ovations after each individual item and at the end of the evening were overwhelmingly enthusiastic….” and continued:
“It was all impeccable: the totally homogeneous, pellucid ensemble and the perfectly calculated crafting of the melodic lines as the basis for an extremely lively, intensive dialogue in chamber music terms, the seamless transitions and the sudden dynamic changes, achieved with lightning reactions by all the players. As regards dynamics, to hear the Mandelring Quartet playing quietlyis just astonishing. They do not merely play more and more softly; it would be more accurate to say that this ensemble possesses an exceptionally wide spectrum of subtle tonal nuances and shades of colour, employed with the greatest delicacy.”
Die Rheinpfalz

A few days later the opening concert of the Mandelring Quartet’s Mendelssohn cycle in Mannheim was reviewed under the headline “Playing to the limits of expressivity”:
“The four players advance with great concentration and sensitivity to the limits of expressivity, whose energies remain perceptible even when the underlying simmering power occasionally gives way to a wonderful luminosity…. In those passages where beautiful material lies concealed in the score, the Mandelring’s players are both conscientious and inspired, and this is equally true in the rugged, Beethoven-inspired sudden plunges in mood that seem to testify to the threats inherent in life.”
Mannheimer Morgen